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Colatta Coating White 4x2kg

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  • Colatta
  • Special Function
  • Block
  • Topping

Chocolate Coating ready to use for cakes, donut and other application. It have flexible texture which suitable for coating purpose.

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Direction of Use

 Suggestion for “au bain marie”:

  1. Chop Chocolate Block into chunk and place in the stainless bowl.
  2. Place the bowl over a pot of simmering water (au bain marie). Keep the water simmering to ensure not overheating the chocolate and water doesn’t get into the chocolate (by condensation, splashes).
  3. Stir with spatula until every last piece of chocolate melts completely.
  4. Chocolate ready to use.

 Suggestion for microwave:

  1. Chop Chocolate Block into chunk and place in the bowl.
  2. Microwave on high heat for 1.5 minutes.
  3. Remove the bowl and stir.

 For best results:

  1.  Melting temperature: 40 - 45 °C
  2.  Moulding temperature: 33 - 35 °C

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