List of Colatta's Product
Kenikmatan Cokelat Colatta dalam bentuk stik yang tahan panggang (bake stable), cocok untuk isian croissant, dekorasi kukis dan kue.
Cokelat hitam berbentuk stick yang tahan panggang, membuat kreasi cake & croissan semakin chocolathy.
Taburan cokelat chip yang tahan panggang (bake stable) dan rasa khas Colatta yang sesuai
Taburan cokelat chip yang tahan panggang (bake stable) dan rasa khas Colatta yang sesuai
Cokelat hitam berbentuk chip yang tahan panggang dengan rasa cokelat asli khas Colatta yang tahan lama.
Fat based chocolate coloring agent with vibrant and attractive color
Fat based chocolate coloring agent with vibrant and attractive color
Fat based chocolate coloring agent with vibrant and attractive color
Fat based chocolate coloring agent with vibrant and attractive color
Fat based chocolate coloring agent with vibrant and attractive color
Fat based chocolate coloring agent with vibrant and attractive color
Fat based chocolate coloring agent with vibrant and attractive color